A competent real estate agent helps you set a correct price and evaluates your home taking into account all possible variables, starting from the state of the reference market. Giving a real price is essential, because putting a property on the market for an inadequate figure is equivalent to leaving it unsold for months and this can be counterproductive. So be wary of those who tend to set overly optimistic sales prices: making you fantasize about your possible earnings could lead you to come to terms with the harsh reality in the future https://www.missourivalleyhomes.com/
The real estate agent is valuing your property correctly if:
it’s not just based on the approximate measurements you’ve reported to him
immediately asks you for all the documents of the house
it takes into consideration the trend of the selling prices of the properties sold in the area in the previous months.
Only in this way will you be able to obtain the maximum price obtainable in the shortest possible time. Have you found the real estate agent who deserves your trust? Then you just have to entrust him with the exclusive sale!
Once you have ascertained the reliability of the real estate agent, to be completely calm and sell in the best way, all you have to do is entrust him with the exclusive sales assignment .
Giving an exclusive assignment to a real estate agent means reserving the negotiation of the property only to that broker for a certain period of time. For you as a seller, this is an advantageous choice, because the chosen agency will be more interested in your property, dedicating special attention to its advertising and to the search for potential buyers in line with your typical customer: your home will therefore have the priority over the others that are handled by more area agencies.
By entrusting an exclusive sales assignment, you basically give total confidence to your real estate agent and his skills. Our advice is to look for a mediator who gives you security and with whom you can get in tune: by establishing a relationship of mutual esteem you will certainly achieve great results.