The company enjoys its familiarity with Snellville, GA, and the neighborhood. They prioritize the community as Snellville residents and business owners. They take pride in being honest and ethical in all aspects of their company dealings because both reside and conduct business in the neighborhood.
Program parameters to sell a house
They accept almost every challenge posed by clients. It may include the following:
- Foreclosures: Foreclosures are frequently the first place purchasers visit when seeking a deal on a home. These can appear to be a great deal, but they frequently have issues and include much paperwork. A foreclosure, though, can be just what they’re searching for if they are fully informed and are ready for what they’ll encounter.
- Expired Listing: A property has an expired listing if it has yet to sell by the time frame specified in the listing agreement between the client and the listing agency.
- “Behind on payments” describes circumstances where a client is late or past due on a payout or has gone bankrupt.
- Problem with tenants: Some consistently pay their rent late, while others are irresponsible and harm the property. Most landlords eventually have to deal with challenging renters, which is complex.
Keeping aside all these differences, will accept their property to list in the real estate business.
If their house doesn’t fit the program’s requirements, can they still sell it?
Absolutely! They can arrange for their Exclusive Listing Agents to list their home using their on-market and off-market techniques that aim to make their home’s sale as simple, stress-free, and joyful as possible on the condition that their home has been nominated to their Guaranteed Proposal program but does not satisfy the requirements. They help in selling their houses quickly and deliver services as expected.
Their skilled realtors handle the hard work to ensure that they sell their property quickly. After their in-home visit, the team may propose to their clients within two days! They will always keep their clients in touch and guide them through every step of the process